Let's go to a Museum!

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I visited the Art Institute of Chicago over this past spring break. Towards the beginning of the semester, our College Writing class wrote a summary and analysis paper about an art museum called Art in Island. As I was at the museum, it reminded me about this very unique museum. Art in Island is a different kind of museum. It is an interactive art museum located in Manila in the Philippines. As my friend Chloe and I were roaming around looking at the art, I thought to myself, "I wonder how these sculptures and paintings would be if I were at Art in Island." As Mallonee mentioned in her article how normal museums are boring and just like any other art museum where you walk quietly looking at art, I could see why she thought that. Me not really being an art person, I did sort of start getting bored after a while. Walking around silently looking at art isn't really my thing, but it was free so why not?

I did think the art was still beautiful and nice to look at, don't get me wrong, but as we were walking around, I couldn't help but think as to how these paintings and sculptures would be altered in order to make it interactive. There was this one exhibit however, that had these types of fish balloons where they were ever so slightly filled with helium that they could just float in mid-air. I thought it was so cool and I felt like a little kid just playing with the balloons. This was one exhibit that WAS interactive and I wondered if that's how all the art exhibits at Art in Island are. Although I still did enjoy looking at all the different art, this made me want to see what the one in Manila is really like. I will definitely have to go visit one day :)


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