

This documentary is one of my favorites I have watched. It is about how these whales and other marine animals were captured and taken into captivity for Seaworld. Me personally, I don't think it is right to keep animals in captivity and use them for entertainment. I think it is a cruel thing to do to these creatures just to get money. Blackfish tells the story of different whales, like Tilikum and Kasatka, and ow they were used for entertainment. One scene I found very interesting was the one where the man that used to capture the whales for Seaworld. He talked about how he regrets that moment, capturing the whales and taking them away from their family and their home. I wonder what changed his mind and made him realize that what he was doing wasn't right. Overall, this documentary was very interesting to watch. When I was younger, I used to love going to Seaworld as a kid. Realizing how bad it really was and how they only used these creatures for money really opened my eyes on seeing how it really is.


  1. I loved the scene you chose to share! Growing up I loved the movie Free Willy and this reminds me of it because they kept him captive only causing a great amount of stress on him. Animals held in captivity is such a touchy subject because in a way I think it's good and bad as well.

  2. Blackfish is pretty amazing. Can you believe how Seaworld has been affected? It was amazing to see the backlash (heh), and it seems wholly justified, imho. Agreed -- the whole, breaking up the pod (family) stuff is just horrifying. The scene where they take Takara away form her mother is just heartbreaking!


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