Land of Entertainment?

I have talked about this topic in the previous blog, but I thought I could go more into depth with it. America has become the land of entertainment. From carnivals to amusements parks, humans and animals have been exploited for their entertainment value. One of the biggest amusement parks in America, Sea World, is under heavy scrutiny by people across the nation. I personally have visited the Orlando Sea World, and although I fell in love with the marine animals around me, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the entrapped creatures. These animals have been kidnapped from their homes and kept in captivity for years swimming in a "bath tub". Orcas in the wild are fierce and intellectual hunters who are very social creatures. Orcas in captivity have a history of killing humans who have entered the aquatic prison with them. A well known orca named Tilikum had a track record of four murders before he died a premature death due to the conditions in which he lived. Orcas in captivity have a significant shorter lifespan than those in the wild as well as many health issues while being alive. As an animal lover, I love being able to see these animals free and not being used for entertainment. I believe the capturing of these animals should be stopped, not only for the sake of these creatures, but also the safety of everyone around them and to prevent further killings.


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