End of the Year

The end of the school year is coming closer. With only 3 weeks left, I find myself excited but scared at the same time. Trying to pass these last few weeks are going to be difficult, especially with summer right around the corner. This is the time of the year where I just want it to be over with and can barely focus, but I will try. I don't want my first year of college to go to waste.

Although it has been a good first year, along with some down sides, I am glad that I was able to experience it here. When I look back on my first year, it seems like it flew by, but at the same time, going by so slow. These next weeks are going to feel like forever, and it's going to be hard and painful to get through. The stress will kick in severely as I try to focus on school and my grades, studying for upcoming tests and quizzes, but also finals. I never actually know when to start studying for finals because I am already so occupied with my current homework and tests I have to study for that I'm not even thinking about finals yet even though they are so close.

Even though it will distract me sometimes, I will use summer as a motivation to just finish the school year and get through it. It will of course be hard, but hopefully I will be able to make it out alive.


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