Travel the World?

Ever since I was young, I have always loved traveling. My family goes on annual summer vacations and it is my favorite time of the season. Getting to travel to different places and explore new areas is my favorite thing in the world. We try to go to different places every year and see different things every year. My mom and aunt have always traveled when they were young as well, so I basically grew up with a traveling group of people, so it kind of passed onto me. Since my family is from Thailand, we traveled there when I was about five years old. Another place we went to that was one of my favorites was when we took a cruise to Mexico. I started traveling with my family since I was young so I have loved doing it ever since.
I one day plan to travel all over the world, exploring every new place possible. My dream location would be to the Bahamas or Hawaii. I would also love to go to Paris one day. That has always been a dream spot for me when I was younger. I hope that in the future I do accomplish my goals of being able to travel as my job and just enjoy what I'm doing.
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